On the Wheel of the Zodiac each sign emerges from the previous sign. Virgo, the sixth sign of the Zodiac, is in direct relationship to Leo, the sign it follows. In Leo, the integrated individual appears. Virgo’s job is to perfect that individual so they are better ready to enter into relationship with others.
From this, the beauty and the shadow of Virgo appears: high standards, attention to detail, organizational abilities, skill at prioritizing, discernment … and … worry, perfectionism, judgmentalism, a tendency to be overly critical, and fussiness.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Virgo is allied with the vulture goddess, Nekhbet. In shamanic traditions, Vulture is associated with purification. Vultures consume decaying bodies without harm to their own health. They purify the landscape of the toxins that cause other animals sickness and even death. What is poison to others is nurturance to them.
Nekhbet, in her guise as a Vulture with wings outspread, adorns the entry way to temples and holy places throughout Egypt. If you want admission to the mysteries, you must be granted entry by Nekhbet.
Within our psyche, Nekhbet is the Crone Priestess – the Grandmother. When we meet her in meditation and in journeys, she asks, “Are you doing your Sacred Work?” If we are not, she kindly but firmly directs us to do whatever we must (inner child work, family of origin exploration, ancestral healing) so that we might better ascend to our mission.
Most people with Virgo in their personalities have a strong sense of purpose, although they may not be clear as to what they are to do. If that is true for you, call upon Nekhbet to help you determine your next right step upon your Sacred Path.
The Sun will emanate through Virgo/Nekhbet from August 22 to September 22.
August 22, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.