Taurus Full Moon; Saturn Stationary
As we approach this Taurus Full Moon, the feeling of constraint is palpable. Saturn began it’s final approach to station at the end of ...
Taurus Full Moon; Saturn Stationary
Full Moon in Cancer
Mercury and the Sun enter Capricorn
Solstice & Jupiter/Saturn Conjunct
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius
Chiron Stationary
Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Mercury in Sagittarius
Gemini Lunar Eclipse
Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
Neptune Stationary
Sun in Sagittarius
Venus in Scorpio
New Moon in Scorpio
Jupiter Conjunct Pluto
Mercury Stationary square to Saturn
An Aquarian Vision
Aquarius New Moon
Sun in Aquarius
Mercury in Aquarius
2020 - The Master Year