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  • Writer's pictureRuby Falconer

Virgo New Moon

September 2, 2024:  New Moon at Virgo 11°04’, 9:56 pm EDT.


This is a busy New Moon. The station of Uranus is still in effect and Pluto has just reentered Capricorn for its final visit. This chart features a very tight square between Mars and Neptune, with Venus pulling out of its opposition to Neptune. Confusion remains in the air. And the Sun/Moon conjunction is in a loose t-square with the on-going Jupiter/Saturn square, in the mutable signs of Virgo, Gemini and Pisces.


The mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are fluid by nature, capable of turning on a dime. Virgo – the sign of this New Moon - is the airiest of the earth signs and very much a sign of the mind. The fluidity of this sign shows up in their native abilities of discernment and prioritization. In the ever-present goal of perfection, if something doesn’t work, it needs to go.


In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Virgo is allied with Nekhbet, the Crone Priestess. Nekhbet is the Grandmother who is the loving but firm advisor. When we encounter Nekhbet in dreams, meditations and journeys, she asks if we are doing what we came here to do. She asks if we are on the path of our soul. If not, she tells us to go take care of whatever it is that is in our way. Work with our inner child, our family of origin, our doubts, fears, and any obsession (a Virgo tendency) that is distracting us from our goal. “Focus, purge, and purify” is her message to us.


This Moon Phase will bring to conclusion the eclipse cycle that began on April 8. The Pisces Full Moon on September 17 will be a Lunar Eclipse, followed by a Solar Eclipse at the Libra New Moon on October 2. We are coming to the end of a defined period of expression. We will soon enter the portal between worlds. When we emerge, we will be in a new phase of expression.


September 1, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.

AI Image by Artie Navarre

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