I recently came across a post circulating on Facebook. This post, attributed to Aluna Joy Yaxkin, is a download of information received by the author from a consciousness she calls The Star Elders. This remarkable document is attached
below. As we enter this next phase of The Great Shift Challenge, I draw your attention to the following quote:
"You will not know where truth is during this metamorphosis.
All the sides that are dissolving are distorted or contaminated.
Most will question everything and understand very little.
Many will see from many perspectives yet still fell blind."
We have reached a time of introspection in our personal and collective process of transformation and change. Our effect on the external world will be constrained by the chaos of fragmentation, but we can go within and explore our inner realm. This is where the riches lie.
This phase will last until September.
May 17, 2020 by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.