January 30, 2025: Uranus Stationary, turning direct 11:22 am EST.
Chaos, unpredictability, explosions, eruptions, shock and awe! Welcome to Uranus stationary.
When one of the outer planets is stationary, its effects are amplified. The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) express through collective events – and if you have Uranus strong in your chart, or if you have planets – particularly the inner planets – in aspect to the place where Uranus is changing direction (Taurus 23°16’), you will feel this energy in your personal life.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Uranus is allied with Wadjet, the cobra kundalini goddess. Wadjet works her way up our spine, breaking through blocks to the free flow of life force energy. While this is ultimately a good thing – we will have access to energy that has previously been blocked within our psyche – going through a kundalini awakening can be uncomfortable at the least and completely discombobulating at the extreme. Grounding is required to move through this energy in a healthy way.
So - hang on to your hats, unbuckle your seatbelt, enjoy the ride, and remember that fear is understandable but not useful. Do what you can to ground and care for yourselves and those you love.
January 29, 2025, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
