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  • Writer's pictureRuby Falconer

Virgo New Moon

September 6, 2021 – New Moon at Virgo 14°38’, 8:52 pm EDT.

In traditional astrology, Virgo describes the perfection of the individual so as to better enter into relationship with others. Hence the Virgo focus on matters of health, nutrition, and purification, mixed with a tendency toward perfectionism. In the chart for this New Moon, the Sun/Moon alignment is in a loose conjunction with Mars, also in Virgo. Mars, the principle of manifestation, is the dominant planet during this New Moon. Mars is opposite Neptune and in a yode pattern (also called an inconjunct) with Jupiter and Eris. Our focus during this Dark Moon is on matters of collective health. How interesting that we find ourselves in conflict over right action concerning the pandemic, vaccines, and appropriate actions to combat infection.

While what we want to manifest is clear (an end to the pandemic), how to go about it is very confusing (Mars opposite Neptune). There is no consensus on how to combat this situation and, for many individuals, confusion on how to proceed.

The Dark Moon (the three days around the New Moon) provides a time to contemplate what we want to bring forth over the next Moon phase. Mars will continue to play a major role over the next month; we can expect conflict to be part of our collective backdrop. Part of our deliberation needs to revolve around how we as individuals want to carry ourselves during a time of collective conflict and disagreement.

In its shadow, Virgo can be very judgmental of others. Given our situation, a tendency toward judgment is understandable. “If only, so and so would (fill in the blank).” Nonetheless, it behooves us all to consider where we have power and where we do not. Ultimately our greatest power lies in how we choose to react to the actions of others.

September 5, 2021 by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.

Image by Grae Dickason

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