New Moon at Leo 5°39’, 1:55 pm EDT; Jupiter tuns retrograde at 4:37 pm EDT.
This New Moon initiates the fourth and final square of Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is the principle of restriction; Uranus is the Great Awakener. These two were square throughout 2021. They separated earlier this year, coming back now into a final square.
Together these two describe new life breaking out of a protective form that has become restrictive: a seed in a casing, a chick in an egg, a fetus in a womb. Saturn’s container is necessary to protect new life; now it is too tight and oppressive.
This is a 45-year cycle. This current cycle began in 1988 and ends in 2032. It is common during key transitions of this cycle (conjunction, squares, and opposition), for society to experience collective events that overtake our personal lives: wars, terrorism, and violent upheavals, including weather-related events.
Saturn is in Aquarius, the sign of the collective. Uranus is in Taurus, most associated with the Earth. This square is manifesting through Earth events that affect the collective.
This New Moon will set the tone for the next six months. Uranus is aligned with the North Node - the point of Dharma - and in a strong square to Mercury in Leo. Together these two form a T-square with Saturn and Mars, also in Leo. This is a good time to vision, to think about what you want for our collective. Find like-minded others to share ideas with but be aware – not everyone shares the same vision. The impulsive, creative, competitive, and war-loving energy of Jupiter in Aries is strong.
Jupiter turns retrograde July 28 at 4:37 pm EDT and will turn direct in Pisces on November 23 – the day of the Sagittarius New Moon. The Saturn/Uranus square will remain in effect for the rest of the year.
July 27, 2022, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
