April 22, 2020 – New Moon at Taurus 3°24’, 10:26 pm EDT.
Earth Day 2020 brings a New Moon in the earthiest of earth signs – Taurus. In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Taurus is aligned with Hathor, the Egyptian version of the Earth Goddess. Hathor loves everything about being alive and considers all Earth creatures her children. Her wild and luscious energy can be found in the exuberant profusion of untamed nature – a true celebration of life.
During this New Moon, The Great Shift alignment (Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn) is still in effect, but our attention is being drawn to a different transit - that of the approaching square between Saturn and Uranus.
In traditional astrology Saturn is the principle of restriction. Uranus is the Great Awakener. When these two are in a square – a challenging relationship – old forms are shattered. This square does not come into full expression until next year, but we are currently being given a taste of what is to come. If it feels like chaos is overcoming form, that’s because it is.
In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Saturn is the Old King Sobek. Uranus is Wadjet, the Kundalini Cobra Queen. A square between these two is a battle between the status quo and life force energy that inevitably brings change. Change will always win.
April 22, 2020 by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
