September 10, 2022 – Full Moon at Pisces 17°41’, 5:59 am EDT. Mercury Stationary.
The vise continues to tighten. Can you feel it? The simultaneous awareness of danger and new opportunities hovering just around the corner. Something is coming but we don’t know what it is. It may be wonderful, it may be awful, it may be both at once.
The fourth Saturn/Uranus square is fully in effect, reinforced by Ceres – associated with nurturing – in an opposition to Saturn and a square to Uranus. The birth contractions are intense; new life is struggling to escape the protection of i
ts cocoon yet the container is not quite willing to let go. The energy feels stuck but also strong. We cannot know if this birth will be successful or what this new life will be, but its time is almost here.
Mars in Gemini – the Dancing Warrior – forms a t-square with the Full Moon opposition. Mercury, the principle of communication, is stationary in Libra and opposed to Jupiter in Aries. This is not a time for negotiation. It is easy to misunderstand and take offense at what is said by others.
The Pisces Moon is in an approaching conjunction with Neptune. The veils are very thin. While communication with the outer world is frustrating, this Full Moon provides a time to connect with the watery depths within.
In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Pisces is allied with Sothis, the blue star Sirius. This is a time of introspection and internal healing. During this Full Moon window, go within and commune with other dimensional realities and connect with your Star Allies. Not much can be accomplished in communication with the outer world but a great deal can be understood from within.
Mercury turns retrograde in Libra on September 9th at 11:38 pm EDT and will turn direct in Virgo on October 2nd at 5:07 am EDT.
September 8, 2022, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.